How Big is AWS DevOps?
What’s the business benefit of AWS DevOps, and how will it help you hit your roadmap?
One click from Dev to Staging to Prod.
That’s every developer’s dream.
No wasted time or inconsistent bugs.
Why does AWS DevOps matter to the Business?
Osazee Igbinosun, CTO
Starting from scratch is hard.
We spent 2 years building 45 Terraform templates to automate rollout. Startups don’t have that time.
What’s the hardest part of AWS DevOps?
Steve Henry, CEO
2-3 Months
Rapid Rollout
45 Modules
Terraform Automation
1 Click
To Any Environment
Secure & Scalable
How To Get Started
Phase 1a: Assess & Architecture
How To Start
Complete our Top 10 assessment, for key infrastructure & CI/CD architectures you’ll want to have.
Make sure the Top 10 AWS MVP items are done.
When You’re Done
You’ll have a secure, scalable architecture (that will still be correct 3-5 years from now).
And a Roadmap to implement.
Phase 1b: Environment Rollout
How To Start
Rollout a brand new Dev environment of your new scalable architecture; using Terraform automation.
1. You have new Dev, Staging & Prod environments running.
2. Everything auto-scales to any foreseeable load, and is SOC-2 ready.
When You’re Done
You can spin up stable, identical demo environments; or launch in new regions (eg. GDPR compliance). Note: this only works if you used Terraform for codify all environments.
Phase 1c: Secure CI/CD
How To Start
Techy stuff: use GitHub Actions for build steps, AWS Param Store for secrets, Docker Containers for services, & DB migration codified.
Fully automated CI/CD pipelines, with zero manual work required to deploy or promote.
When You’re Done
One click to deploy your platform & promote between environments.
This will save enormous amounts of time & bugs for Engineering.
Phase 2: Growth & Scale
How To Start
Appoint a technical lead to own (a) Terraform for all infrastructure, and (b) monthly business updates.
1. You’ve built a clean house now. Your singular mission is to KEEP IT THAT WAY.
2. Secure trust from C-Suite, with monthly business-facing tech updates.
When You’re Done
You’re 100% prepared for the 4 things business care about:
1. SOC-2-ready
2. Demo environments for sales
3. Multi-region for compliance
4. Fully scalable for 3-5 years
How ScalePoynt Does It
Early Stage AWS
Pre-Raise Discount (30-50%)
MVP Rollout
- Senior AWS Engineer
- Environments, Infra, DevOps
- Architecture Review
- Roadmap + Budget
- Post-Raise Scale-Up
AWS DevOps Team
Long-Term Senior AWS Engineers
AWS DevOps
- 2x Senior AWS Engineers
- Environments & Infrastructure
- Secure DevOps CI/CD
- Terraform Automation
- Architecture Reviews
CTO Oversight
- Dedicated CTO Oversight
- CTO Architecture Reviews
- CTO Security Reviews
- Monthly Executive Updates
- Budgets & Roadmaps
4 ScalePoynt “Secrets to Success”
We want AWS infrastructure to run smoothly, so your Dev Team can focus 100% on roadmap delivery.
Here’s a few pieces of our “secret sauce” to make sure that happens.
1. Infrastructure
One of the biggest mistakes in startups is failing to build scalable, secure infrastructure — right from day 1. A sloppy foundation is incredibly difficult to fix later.
Use Terraform for “infrastructure as code”, and ensuring consistency across environments.
Separate environments per AWS account; private subnets; end-to-end encryption; managed services; automated backups; auto-scaling; key management, the works.
2. Environments & Regions
Don’t put multiple environments in the same AWS account. Each should be fully separated – 100% isolated. This is a huge mistake propagated early on, and challenging to fix later.
This way, you never worry when a customer asks “is our production data safe from dev environments?”
3. Security
50% of security diligence and SOC-2 refer to your platform (the vast majority of which is infrastructure & hosting related).
When DevOps is done correctly, and templated from the start, you get all these for free.
Encryption, BCP/DR, backup & recovery, IAM & RBAC roles, SSO login, WAF firewall, etc.
4. Executive Updates
We like to make our CTO look good to the CEO, and CEO look good to their Board.
Do to this, having professional looking monthly updates is key. Updates should be written in language everyone can understand, highlighting the business outcomes & benefits; along with a 12 month Roadmap.
Ask an Executive
AWS DevOps may sound boring & very techy, but its the foundation that your entire Engineering Team lives & breathes every day.
Our Portfolio Executives share what they valued most.
“ScalePoynt brought to me the highest level of efficiency I could get, and peace of mind during my off-time.”
Osa Igbinosun
CTO, Obsidi
“Don’t devalue your time by trying to do it yourself.”
Sheldon Brow
Founder & CEO,
Pocket Finance
FAQ: The Little Details That Matter
Everything is done in your systems and tools, same as your team would. You fully own everything we produce, and we regularly document and check-in everything, to make sure its fully visible to your team.
You own everything. There’s no licensing or issues like that.
We work on long-term engagements (12-month contracts). We build, run, maintain, and grow the areas we provide expertise in. Success for us means taking an expertise area fully off your hands, allowing your team to focus where they need to be: on product & customer.
Yes, we operate in monthly Sprints. We run our Sprints in your tools and systems (eg. JIRA, Confluence, Asana, Slack), but do separate sprint planning and updates from your dev teams (to keep things streamlined and efficient).
First, everything is always in your tools and systems, the same way the rest of your team operates. So you can always check and see everything yourself.
Second, Sprint items are grouped together to produce release notes. Third, we provide a 1-pager executive update every month, and an annual plan (issued quarterly), readable by anyone within your organization.
We price our team members the same way you build your operating plans for FTE hires (intentionally), with fixed monthly costs. We work long-term with you, with renewable 12-month agreements, and clear ownership & accountability. You can expect pricing similar to what you’d see in the market, if you were to try and hire yourself (with the exception of special pricing for early stage qualified ventures, where we significantly outperform market on pricing while you close your next round).