Playbook #3: Offshoring

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Part 1: Top 5 Biggest Mistakes Setting Up Offshore Teams

There’s so many options and inbound emails/LinkedIn to consider, so let’s cut through the noise and figure how to decide quickly and effectively.  We’ll focus on top mistakes to avoid, how to select a vendor, team composition, and contracting clauses that affect how you work together.

Offshoring Top 5 Mistakes

#1. Delays That You Cause.

#2. Team Composition.

#3. Hiring vs. Bench.

#4. QA & DevOps.

#5. Timing & Board Promises.

Part 2: How To Pick an Offshore Vendor

What are the key things to look at when picking an offshore partner, so you can make a decision quickly and with confidence.

Offshoring Pick a Partner

#1. Geopolitical.

#2. Timezone.

#3. Language Skills.

#4. Talent Base & Tech Stack.

#5. Pricing.

#6. Sophistication.

Part 3: Top 10 Biggest Mistakes Writing Offshore Contracts

Offshore contracting isn’t just about legal & pricing agreements — most Founders & CTOs miss the “Operating Terms” that dictate how you’ll really work together, and what you expect from each other day-to-day.

#1. Talent Adjustments.

#2. Vacation.

#3. After Hours Support.

#4. Rate Card: Seniority.

#5. Rate Card: Increases.

#6. Security Policies.

#7. Laptops & Operating Systems.

#8. Termination.

#9. Bench vs. Hiring.

#10. Work From Home or Office.
